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Helping Hands

Join the Work

As a member of Christ's Body, the Church, you have been equipped with unique skills and talents for the furthering of God's Kingdom on earth. Search below to see how you can put your special gifting to work in our community, for God's glory.

Family Coach

Primary roles:

1) To support and mentor the parent(s).

2) To connect the parent(s) to resources both within Families Rising and in the broader community.

3) To support the Host Family and ensure the well-being of children in care, if hosting is taking place.


Primary qualifications:

1) A strong faith that guides your actions

2) Empathy and compassion for hurting people

3) Discernment for hard situations

4) Leadership skills


You do not need to have special training or certifications to serve in this role; Families Rising will train you in all you need to know.


If you may be interested in this role, click the button below to fill out the application.

Host Family

Primary roles:

1) Care for children in their homes while their parents work through their goals

2) Provide safety and stability for the children

3) Develop a relationship with the parent(s), that may become a long-lasting family-like support network for both families.


Primary qualifications:

1) A willingness to open your home to other people

2) The time, space, stability, and capacity to care for another person's child(ren)


If you may be interested in this role, click the button below to fill out the application.

Support Volunteer

Ways you can support:

1) Prayer

2) Meals

3) Transportation

4) Professional advice or services

5) Babysitting

6) Referrals

7) Volunteer recruitment or care (engagement, events, support)

8) Any other way you can think of!


If you have a way you would like to serve, click the link below to share your interest.


Group Planting a Tree
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