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Morning Mist over Forest

Let us help you rise up

It's never easy to ask for help, but it's even harder in the midst of a crisis situation. We're so proud of your courage in acknowledging that you need someone to walk with you through what you're facing; and we're honored that you are giving us a chance. We are 100% volunteer-run and you will pay nothing for the services you receive.


Below are a few categories of ways that we can help. If any of these may fit what you need, give our Family Help Line a call to get connected. 

Morning Mist over Forest

Families Rising Services

Family Coaching

Everyone faces situations that seem overwhelming. Families Rising Family Coaches come alongside you to:

- Help you set and keep goals for overcoming your current struggles

- Connect you with local resources

- Be a supportive friend.


Coaches are local, compassionate individuals who are committed to walking with you through whatever you're facing with both truth and love. These volunteers are fully vetted with an extensive application process, including a full background check. They also receive in-depth training to interact with you in the most helpful way possible.



Why you might need hosting:

- You have lost your housing.

- Your current housing option(s) are unsafe for your children.

- You are planning to be hospitalized for a medical need or treatment.

- You need to work odd or long hours to gain or restore stability.

- DCS has warned you to make a change or your children would be removed.

- Any other reason that requires your children to need another place to stay...


Families Rising Host Families are vetted by:

- Going through a full application and background check process

- Undergoing a thorough home study

- Receiving extensive training


These families' homes are a safe place for your children to stay while you stabilize your home environment. These volunteers are not paid to care for your children, but do so because they want to help you. Most importantly, you maintain custody and control over your children throughout the hosting and are free (and encouraged!) to communicate and be involved in their lives.


Resource Connection

Our community has so many resources! Families Rising is your portal to the churches and church members particularly interested in assisting the community in practical ways, such as meals, recovery, transportation, professional assistance, and so much more. They also maintain a list of other agencies that can help, if needed.


Respite Help

Respite care: short-term care for the sake of allowing a parent to restore balance to their life


Families Rising connects you with safe volunteers who are fully vetted and trained to help watch your children for short periods of time. Our volunteers give you a safe and nurturing place to leave your child for a short stay.

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