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Family Portrait

Who We Are

Families Rising seeks to equip families to rise together to community, resilience, and hope in Orange County by creating a network of families who support each other through crisis. This is accomplished through believers who live out the gospel as they are unified and motivated to serve their communities as the Body of Christ. These volunteers actively promote the dignity of the individuals who are served while building lasting community by working together and embracing the isolated.

We believe that:

“The LORD has sent us to bring good news to the afflicted,

to bind up the brokenhearted,

to proclaim liberty to the captives,

and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;

to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor,

to comfort all who mourn;

to give them a crown of beauty instead of ashes,

the oil of gladness instead of mourning,

the garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair;

that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD,

that he may be glorified.

They shall build up the ancient ruins; they shall raise up the former devastations; they shall repair the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations.”

(from Isaiah 61:1-4)


We believe that one of the jobs of the Church is to serve our community by furthering all of these works in the lives of the people around us. So, we want to equip believers to bring good news to all who are afflicted in any way; to bring comfort and healing to those who are brokenhearted and mourning; to restore liberty and freedom to those who are bound in prisons of despair, addiction, or poverty. We believe the Lord can restore anyone and make them as strong as a great oak tree, for His glory. And that with His help, these newly strengthened people can, in turn, bring restoration and life back into the brokenness and desperation of their families and communities. 

Why We Exist

How Does Families Rising Work?

A girl feeling sad

A family in crisis calls the Family Help Line.

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A Help Line volunteer learns about the family's needs.

Mud Race

The family is connected with a volunteer Family Coach, who will walk with them to set and achieve goals, and to access resources.

Prayer Group

The local church community is deployed to pray for and serve the volunteers and the Family as they work through their situation. This service may look like tangible assistance like meals, sharing of skills, help with transportation, or professional advice.

If needed, a volunteer Host Family is asked to care for the Family's children until their situation returns to being safe and stable. (Parents maintain custody even if they decide to let their children stay with a Host Family.)

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The Family is connected to community resources to help them solve their crisis. These resources may be volunteer from church partners, or professional from local agencies.

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The Family is strengthened and preserved as supportive relationships are formed and the crisis is resolved.

The local church is empowered to serve its community with compassion and effectiveness.

The community is built up by families who are connected to each other to care for each other.

Take the Next Step

Learning to use smartphone


One of the primary signs of resilience is knowing when to ask for help, and doing it! No matter what struggle you're facing, we would love to wrap around you to help you resolve it. Click "Learn More" to discover what supports we can offer you.

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All Hands In


Your community needs you! No matter what you have to give - time, expertise, skills, compassion - your gift can help give hope to people who are struggle. Click "Join the Family" to explore how you can engage.

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Are you short of time but gifted with resources? We need you, too! Whether you can give finances or gifts in-kind, we welcome your support of our volunteers and families. As a 501c3, your gifts are tax-deductible. Click "Fund the Work" to learn more or donate.

Families Rising is a program and dba of the LIFE Family Resource Center of Paoli, IN.

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